Study: People who ran or jogged for as little as five minutes a day lived three years longer than non-runners
Running may not be everyone’s favorite activity. Heck, many a Cross-Country teams’ motto is actually “Our sport is your sport’s punishment.” But a new study released by the American College of Cardiology may convince you to at least get a little jog in every day.
According to the researchers, running, even 5 to 10 minutes a day and at slow speeds (less than 6mph) can reduce your risk of premature death by nearly one-third and extended your life by about three years!
Carl Lavie, a cardiologist and co-author of the study, told USA Today that running consistently can even balance out other mortality risk factors, which include obesity, high blood pressure and smoking.
“Fitness largely negates adverse effects of other cardiological risk factors,” Lavie said. “Fitness may be the strongest predictor of survival.”
So, how many minutes of running will you get in today? Tell us in the comments!
Read the full USA Today Article Here: Running of any length or speed reduces risk of death