Reach the Beach and Win Prizes!

 In Blog

Those miles on our cardio equipment really add up! And now you can win some pretty sweet prizes for it!

Purpose: Fun way to encourage regular and consistent cardio workouts with a goal of 30 minutes, 4 times a week.

Goal: To theoretically run, walk, bike or row from Silver Spring to Ocean City, MD using one of the cardio machines in the club over a 6-week period. The trip is 140 miles. Or – see how far you can go by reaching one of the other beaches posted!

To participate: Sign up starts Monday, June 24 and the race begins Friday, June 28. Stop by the front desk or ask one of the trainers. There is no cost to join the fun!

Measurements of Progression:

  • Mileage is based on time spent on any of Rock Creek Sports Club’s cardio equipment: treadmills, steppers, Arc trainers, cross trainers, bikes or rowers.
  • For each 5 minutes spent on a cardio machine the participant will earn 1 mile.
  • At the end of the workout the participant will stop by the front desk to record the time spent on cardio. Note there will be a limit of 60 minutes a day.
  • Also, cycling classes may count but not other formats of group exercise classes.
  • We will keep a posted chart updated with each participant’s mileage in a graph format.
Final Day: Last day to record milage will be Friday, August 9.


  • All participants who complete 140 miles by Friday August 9 will be awarded a Rock Creek Sports Club t-shirt!
  • The member who reaches the farthest beach will win the Grand Prize, two FREE months of membership!
  • Second prize will be one month of free membership.